Thursday, October 8, 2015

Will I get paid to attend training in the summer?--the limiting factor

This is the one blog post I really did not want to write!  You may remember the term limiting factor in some of your science classes.  It is essentially what limits a reaction from occurring in chemistry (limiting reagent) or in biology limits the growth of organisms (such as food, water, or other resources).

Until we have preregistration numbers confirmed I really cannot say with certainty but more than likely AMSTI-UNA will not be able to pay a stipend for any training in the summer.  Unfortunately the dollar is our limiting factor!  Our goal for summer 2016 is to train as many teachers as possible which means we need all available funds to purchase new kits and teacher guides. 

Before getting into the lack of stipends let me be upfront and state that I am 100% in favor of paying stipends.  This is beginning my 17th year in education and I know the sacrifices that this field requires.  Every post you will see will more than likely come late at night as I work on this after hours.  I know the sacrifices that come with this calling.  Summer training is no different.  Stipends don't make one wealthy but do help offset the expense of meals, travel, and help a little towards childcare. 

Here is a brief explanation of why I feel we will not be able to pay a stipend.  We have over 900 active teachers receiving science kits this current school year.  If we were to retrain all 900 next summer and pay our normal stipend of $100 per day it would cost us $90,000 for just one day!  We could easily spend a few hundred thousand dollars in stipends alone. 

To be totally transparent and honest, it took us from 2003 until roughly 2013 to build up to the inventory of science kits that we currently have.  Our yearly budget to refurbish and purchase new kits is a little over $300,000.  That sounds like a lot but half of that is to refurbish the kits and the other half is to purchase new kits which has allowed us to only train about 150 teachers per year (and pay a stipend) the last 4-5 years. 

The average cost per teacher to retrain this summer (compressed or new hire) without the stipend will cost over $1000 by the time you factor in new teacher manuals per module title along with the kit expense. 

So I've given several clues as to what the cost will be for our site to purchase and retrain for these new kits.  Hint:  look at total number of active teachers listed above and multiply by the cost per teacher (without stipend).  If you get a pretty large number for your answer you may understand why I sometimes have trouble sleeping at night!  Since we currently serve over 900 teachers with materials, we are having to make that tough choice of purchasing the materials over paying for stipends. 

Hopefully $1000 worth of material will be of value to you even if we can't pay the stipend!

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